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For more than 25 years, our factory partners have worked in advanced technology. They understand the precision and care that sensitive computer peripherals require. Their experience includes sales, research and development, and production, including on a product that has ascended to the top of the Amazon chart in recent years. Another of our partners has secured more than a thousand patents worldwide, some dealing with cutting-edge production and testing equipment.

All of this is to say that we can handle large-scale production without sacrificing quality, which is why we have selected the same keyboard factory for the Redragon foundry and a hub factory for the Apple foundry. We at 3inuS have jointly launched KEBOHUB as a new category for Apple notebook users. Now, as we spend more time on mechanical keyboards, embracing the artistry that this field calls for, we are thrilled to combine our rare experience with our partners’ continuously, for Apple users everywhere!

Come to our company to communicate or cooperate with us.
Adress: Wuhe Community, Bantian Street, Longgang District Shenzhen, 518116 Guangdong, China